
Simple is better, especially in Graphic Design. Creating simple Ads with a touch of wit is what I like to do. When viewing Ads in magazines online, or anywhere in general I find myself more attached to the areas that give me a little giggle rather than the ones that are more serious or just plain bad. With Graphic Design, many things can be created; my favorite is Ad Design. Designing Ads for magazines, online use, or billboards would be the job for me. Sine I am also a photographer I like to use my own images in my work and the combination of both fields makes me stronger in the work I do. A picture says a thousand words, which is another way I keep it simple and still capture the consumer’s interest. There is a continuous theme of humor and simplicity in my work. Getting someone to laugh is always a good way to get them to buy or interest someone in a specific event or cause. By keeping witty ads simple, the consumer doesn’t have to put too much thought into what they are looking at, the clear image can click in their head. Then the next time they need a product they have a better chance of buying the one they saw in the funny Ad last week. With my work I want to install simple clever Ideas about a subject matter into a consumers mind while still making a strong piece of artwork that companies and viewers alike will enjoy.

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